Terms of Use

The Website with the adress www.serrialu.com is property of Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda., based in Rua da Lameira, 22, Ponte de Vilela | 3020-925 Torre de Vilela - Coimbra, Portugal. Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda. manages this Website in order to provide information about the company, its services and products.

By using and/or visiting our Website you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
We do not collect / store any personal information when visiting our website. However, in order to answer your questions, we ask for certain personal information, namely in our contact form available on the "Contacts" page.
On the first visit to our website, a footer will appear asking you for consent to accept our Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy and the use of Cookies. When giving your consent, through the "I AGREE" button, our website will place a cookie on your device and the footer will not appear again while the cookie is active. After the cookie has expired, or if you have cleared your browser's cookies, the footer will appear on your next access to our website and you will be asked for consent again.
Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda. May, at any time, change / modify / eliminate this Website, in whole or in parts, without being responsible for what may result.

All Users who visit our Website accept and acknowledge that accessing and using it is at their own risk. Neither Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda., or any part involved in the creation, production or supply of the Website can be held responsible for any damages or losses, whatever their nature, resulting from access, even if the information is silent, deficient or incorrect, or for any error or omission that occurred in the respective collection, registration, processing, storage and dissemination.

Our website may provide links to websites operated by other entities. Our Terms and Conditions, as well as our Privacy Policy and Cookies only apply to this Website. Therefore, you should read the respective rules for using the websites in question.

Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda. reserves the right to make changes to this terms of use and privacy policy at any time. It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the bottom. The changes or updates will be annonced on the Website by giving notice to its Users on this page and possibly within this Application and/or - as far as technically and legally feasible - sending a notice to Users via any contact information available to the Owner.

Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda. is responsible for data processing. The company is based in Rua da Lameira, 22, Ponte de Vilela | 3020-925 Torre de Vilela - Coimbra, Portugal, taxpayer nº 503 962 279. Phone number (+351) 239 493 390.
If you have any issue related to our use of your personal data, terms of use or privacy policy, please, feel free to write us by completing the Contact Form, at: email ([email protected]) or to the following address:
Rua da Lameira, 22, Ponte de Vilela
3020-925 Torre de Vilela - Coimbra

Privacy Policy


Using the Contact Form

You can contact Serrialu using the form available on our website. By submitting your contact request, you are providing us with the following personal data: name and email.

We receive, process and use the data submitted by you through this form, only, to fulfill your request for contact. Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda. ensures complete confidentiality of all your submitted information. Your data will not be shared with third parties.
To request the removal of your personal datas, you must send us an email to [email protected].


We use a variety of safety measures and authentication tools to help keep your personal information safe, intact and available. Although we cannot provide protection against intrusion when transferring information through the internet or website, Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda., our service providers and commercial partners will make every effort to implement and ensure physical, electronic and procedural safety, aimed at protecting your personal information in accordance with the applicable data protection requirements.


Your personal data is kept as long as necessary for the purposes for which they were gathered. All personal data will be irreversibly anonymised or deleted in a secure manner at the end of the maximum retention period.

Cookies Policy

We use cookies on our website to improve the user experience.

Cookies are small files that sites send to the browser, being stored on the personal computer, mobile phone, tablet or other device used to navigate the web. They are used by sites mainly to identify and store information on visitors.

Cookies will not cause any damage to your computer, mobile phone, tablet, or other device, and the data stored will not include any personally identifiable information through the use of this site. They therefore have a very important role, as they improve the experience of the users of the Website Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda.

a) What type of cookies does the Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda. Website use?

-Session cookies:temporary cookies that remain in the cookie folder of your browser until you leave the website. The information obtained by these cookies makes it possible to provide you with a better navigating experience;
-Permanent cookies: Cookies that remain stored on the equipment you use to access the web (computer, mobile phone or tablet), used when the user visits the site again;
-Strictly necessary cookies: These allow you to navigate on the website and take advantage of its applications, as well as access secure areas of our site.

You can configure your browser to accept, delete, or refuse cookies, by accessing the menu “options” or “preferences”. This may, however, change the way you interact with websites.
However, none of the cookies presented above are essential for use on our Website, we only use them to improve your user experience.
The cookies used by our website will have no other purpose than those mentioned in the previous point.

b) How do I disable cookies?
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
For more information on cookies and their use, go to www.allaboutcookies.org


Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda. uses a third-party tracking system, Google Analytics, on its website. This website analysis service belongs to Google Inc., based in Mountain View, California, USA.

Google Analytics uses Cookies and makes it possible to analyze the user’s navigation of our website (example of some metrics: reference URL, visited pages, type of browser, country, language, operating system, among others). The information is collected by Google and the results are made available to Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda. through our Google account. These results are exclusively used for statistic purposes on navigation on the website of Serrialu - Serralharia Civil, Lda.

To give users a greater choice of how their data is collected by Google Analytics, Google has developed Google Analytics Browser Opt-out Add-on. The add-on communicates with Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate that the information regarding the access to the website should not be sent to Google Analytics. Google Analytics Browser Opt-out extra does not prevent the information from being sent to the website itself or to other web analytics services. Learn more about Google Analytics Brower Opt-out extra.

You may, at any time, change your consent to use this type of analysis of the website by installing the tool provided by Google, described above, or by setting the Cookies in your browser. You will, however, lose these settings if you change your browser or clear Cookies from it.

For more information on Google Analytics, see the Google Analytics Terms of Service, a Data privacy and security and a Google Privacy Policy Statement.
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About Serrialu


Active since 1997, Serrialu is a Coimbra-based company that sells Casements and Metalwork, producing and installing multiple solutions in aluminium, PVC, stainless steel and iron for all building types.



  • Rua da Lameira, 22, Ponte de Vilela | 3020-925 Torre de Vilela - Coimbra
  • +351 239 493 390
    Call to the national fixed network
  • [email protected]

Operating hours

Visit our facilities and learn more about our services and products.

Monday > Friday: 9:00AM > 6:30PM
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
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